Chasselas on tour 2024

© Pexels/Taryn Elliott
29 Aug - 28 Sep 2024Tasting

Dézaley, Yvorne, Féchy, Fendant or Gutedel - all these names are associated with Chasselas. The Chasselas grape variety has undergone a qualitative revolution in recent years and has become an insider's secret for wine experts and connoisseurs alike. With its elegance and finesse, this typically French-speaking grape variety is now winning over the whole world.

At the ‘Mondial du Chasselas 2024’ wine competition, 740 wines from Switzerland, Germany, France and the United States were anonymously tasted by a team of judges and awarded prizes in 5 categories. The Association pour la Promotion du Chasselas invites you to discover the best white wines from this year's competition at 6 emblematic venues in French-speaking Switzerland.

Dates of the event

  • Thursday 29 August 5-8pm at Château d'Auvernier (NE)

  • Friday 30 August at Château de Châtagneréaz in Essertines-sur-Rolle (VD)

  • Saturday 7 September, 5pm-7pm at Château de Villa in Sierre (VS)

  • Saturday 14 September, 5pm-8pm at the Pressoir de Russin (GE)

  • Sunday, 22 September, 10am-1pm at Château d'Aigle (VD); the tasting will be followed by a tavolata with brunch (fee payable)

  • Saturday 28 September, 10am-12pm at Place Pestalozzi in Yverdon (VD)


  • Free of charge

Flyer Chasselas on tour 2024

More information

Association pour la Promotion du Chasselas
Case postale 6
1860 Aigle

Switzerland. Naturally.